Mould in bathrooms can be bad for your health in many ways. Mould releases spores into the air that can be dangerous if you breathe them in or touch them on your skin. Here are some health issues that might be linked to bathroom mould:

Problems with breathing: It is possible for mould germs to really bother your lungs. People who have asthma, allergies, or other breathing problems may have worse symptoms when they are around mould. Mould exposure is often linked to breathing problems like coughing, asthma, sore throats, and stuffy noses.

Allergic responses: Mould is a common allergen, and some people can have allergic responses when they are exposed to it. Some signs are coughing, a stuffy or runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, and rashes on the skin. Some people may be more aware of mould in their surroundings if they are allergic to it.

Infections: Mycotoxins, which are made by some types of mould, can be dangerous to people. If you are exposed to these mycotoxins for a long time, you could get respiratory or systemic illnesses. Even though these infections are rare, people with weak immune systems, breathing problems, or other health problems may be more likely to get them.

Aggravation of Existing Conditions: Being exposed to mould can make health problems worse that are already there. For instance, people who have chronic asthma or bronchitis may find that mould makes their symptoms worse.

Itchy Skin: Coming into direct touch with mould or surfaces that are infested with mould can irritate the skin. This could show up as heat, itching, or a rash. It is very important not to touch or handle mould without the right gear.

If you want to keep bathroom mould from being harmful to your health, you need to get rid of the things that cause it and stop it from growing again. This means keeping the bathroom well-ventilated, fixing leaks right away, and cleaning and checking areas that are likely to grow mould, like shower curtains, tiles, and grout, on a regular basis. If there is a big mould problem, it may be necessary to get rid of it completely by hiring a professional. People who have long-lasting health problems after being exposed to mould should talk to a doctor or nurse for help and the right treatment.

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, people are seeking out ways to reduce their impact on the planet. One area where this is particularly relevant is cleaning products. Traditional cleaning solutions often contain harsh chemicals that can harm both the environment and our health. Fortunately, there are a growing number of eco-friendly cleaning solutions available that offer an effective alternative without compromising sustainability.

The Classic Combination 

One of the easiest and most cost-effective eco-friendly cleaning solutions is to use vinegar and baking soda. These two ingredients have been used for generations as natural cleaners and can be found in most grocery stores. Simply mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and add a few drops of essential oil for a fresh scent. Baking soda can be sprinkled on surfaces like countertops or sinks and then wiped clean with a damp cloth.

Biodegradable Option 

Another popular eco-friendly cleaning solution is castile soap. This vegetable-based soap is biodegradable and free from synthetic fragrances and preservatives. It can be used for a wide range of cleaning tasks, from washing dishes to cleaning floors. Simply dilute the soap with water and use it as you would any other cleaning product.

Chemicals That Don’t Harm 

For tougher stains and grime, consider using hydrogen peroxide. This powerful disinfectant is safe for the environment and can be used to clean everything from carpets to appliances. Simply pour the peroxide onto the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it clean with a cloth.

Pre-Made Solutions 

If you prefer the convenience of pre-made cleaning solutions, look for products that are certified by reputable eco-friendly organizations, such as EcoLogo or Green Seal. These certifications ensure that the products have met strict environmental standards and are free from harmful chemicals.

It’s important to note that not all eco-friendly cleaning solutions are created equal. Some may be less effective than their traditional counterparts or require more effort to use. When choosing eco-friendly cleaning products consider factors such as their effectiveness, ease of use, and affordability. It may take some trial and error to find the right products for your needs.

Maintenance Tips 

In addition to using eco-friendly cleaning solutions, there are other steps you can take to reduce your impact on the environment. For example, try to limit the amount of water you use when cleaning by turning off the tap while scrubbing or using a bucket instead of running water. Use reusable cleaning cloths instead of disposable paper towels, and recycle any packaging from your cleaning products. When disposing of old cleaning products, be sure to follow local guidelines for hazardous waste disposal. Many traditional cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can pollute the environment if not disposed of properly.

In conclusion, eco-friendly cleaning solutions offer a sustainable alternative to traditional cleaning products without sacrificing effectiveness. From vinegar and baking soda to certified eco-friendly products, there are a variety of options available to suit every need and budget. By making the switch to eco-friendly cleaning solutions, we can reduce our impact on the planet while maintaining a clean and healthy home. Contact US

Professional tile cleaning is typically done using commercial grade cleaning solutions, high-pressure steam cleaning, or a combination of both. These methods remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants from the tile, while also providing a deep clean. Professional tile cleaners also use specialized tools and equipment to ensure the best possible results.

DIY tile cleaning, on the other hand, is done using common household cleaning solutions and tools. While DIY tile cleaning can be effective, it may not be as thorough as professional tile cleaning, and there is a risk of damaging the tile if not done correctly.

Professional Tile Cleaning over DIY Methods

Professional Tile Cleaning Process 

Professional tile cleaning typically involves a multi-step process:

1. Pre-Inspection: A professional tile cleaner will assess the tile and grout to determine the best cleaning method.

2. Vacuuming: The tile and grout will be vacuumed to remove any loose soil, dust, and debris.

3. Pre-Treatment: A pre-treatment chemical will be applied to the tile and grout to break down stubborn dirt and soil.

4. Agitation: A machine scrubber will be used to agitate the tile and grout to loosen soil, stains, and dirt.

5. Extraction: Hot water extraction (steam cleaning) will be used to remove the dirt, soil, and other contaminants from the tile and grout.

6. Post-Cleaning: A post-cleaning solution may be applied to the tile and grout to restore their original luster.

7. Final Inspection: The tile and grout will be inspected to ensure that the cleaning process was successful. 

Is DIY Tile Cleaning Harmful? 

DIY tile cleaning can be harmful because it often involves the use of harsh chemicals and abrasive scrubbing tools that can damage the tile or grout. Additionally, using the wrong cleaning solution can discolor or dull the tile finish. If not done correctly, DIY tile cleaning can also leave soap residue on the tile, which can act as a dirt magnet and attract more dirt and grime.

Professional tile cleaning offers several advantages over DIY methods. With professional tile cleaner, you can be assured that the cleaning is done thoroughly, and it is done with the right equipment and solutions. Professional cleaners can also provide deep cleaning services that go beyond the basic cleaning of a tile surface. The cleaners use specialized tools and techniques to remove deep dirt, stains, and other contaminants that build up over time. Professional tile cleaning also helps to protect your tile from future damage and wear.

Big Red Gold Coast is a team of specialized commercial cleaners, and we specialise in providing state-of-the-art tile cleaning services. If your home or commercial facility is in need of professional tile cleaning in the Gold Coast, we can help you. 

Having clean upholstery is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment in any area. Upholstery can easily absorb bacteria, dirt, and even dust mites, which can cause a variety of health problems. Cleaning upholstery regularly helps to eliminate any potential health concerns and also helps to keep the area looking nice and tidy. Regular vacuuming and spot cleaning also help extend the upholstery’s life and keep it looking new.

Significance of Clean Furniture Upholstery 

Clean furniture upholstery is an essential part of any home or office. Not only does it provide a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment, but it also helps to keep allergens and dirt at bay. As furniture upholstery accumulates dirt and dust, it quickly becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and other pollutants, which can cause health problems if not regularly cleaned. As such, regularly vacuuming and dusting furniture upholstery is essential to keeping it clean and free of dirt, dust, and other contaminants. Additionally, deep cleaning furniture upholstery can help to remove odors and stains that regular cleaning may not be able to tackle.

Furniture Clean for a Long Time | Big red gold coast

Tips to Keep the Upholstery of Household Appliances and Furniture Clean for a Long Time

Vacuum regularly

Vacuuming your furniture and appliances regularly is one of the best ways to keep them clean. Vacuuming helps remove dust, pet hair, and other debris that can accumulate on your furniture and appliances over time.

Spot clean spills and stains immediately

To prevent stains and dirt from setting into the fabric. It’s crucial to spot-clean them as soon as possible. Use a mild cleaning solution and gently blot the stain using a soft cloth.

Use a protective cover

A furniture or appliance cover can help protect the upholstery from dirt and spills. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning the cover.

Use a fabric protector

Fabric protectors help keep fabrics and upholstery clean and can resist staining and fading. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and cleaning.

Regularly dust and wipe down your furniture and appliances

Wiping down your furniture and appliances helps to keep them free of dust and dirt. Use a soft cloth and a mild cleaning solution to dust and wipe down your furniture and appliances.

Why Seeking Professional Help Isn’t a Bad Idea 

Getting professional help in appliance and furniture upholstery cleaning provides numerous benefits, such as improved air quality, elimination of dust mites, removal of stubborn stains, and extended lifespan of furniture and appliances. Professional upholstery cleaning companies use advanced cleaning solutions and equipment to safely and effectively clean upholstery fabrics and remove dirt, dust, and bacteria. Professionals are also able to provide advice and tips on how to best care for upholstery fabrics and prevent future staining. Furthermore, professional upholstery cleaners are experienced and knowledgeable, so they can provide a thorough and efficient cleaning job that will leave your furniture and appliances looking new.

Big Red Gold Coast specialises in residential and commercial cleaning and sanitisation. Our experienced technicians know how to enhance the environment you live in when it comes to cleanliness, health, and aesthetics. Call us or contact us for your home or commercial tile cleaning service with our latest tools.

Tile cleaning machines are essential pieces of equipment for keeping tile and grout surfaces highly clean, sanitized, and presentable. They can be used in a variety of locations including homes, offices, retail stores, restaurants and hospitals. These machines are designed to efficiently remove dirt, grime, debris and stains from tile floors without damaging the surface or causing harm to those using them.

The most common type of tile cleaning machine is an extractor-style machine which utilizes a high-pressure sprayer to loosen dirt and debris from the flooring before vacuuming it up for disposal. The sprayer often comes with different nozzles so you can adjust the water pressure to match the needs of different types of tile surfaces. Additionally, many machines may also feature brushes that rotate at high speed which allow for more thorough scrubbing action on tough stains and build up.

Tile cleaning machine | Big red gold coast

Another type of tile cleaning machine is rotary scrubbers which employ rotating pads or discs that spin at high speeds in order to stain clean hard-to-remove stains on tile floors. Rotary scrubbers are great for removing grease, oil and other difficult substances from tiles as well as rugs or carpets. Their low moisture levels ensure minimal disruption to the surface being cleaned while still delivering powerful results.

tile cleaning machine | Big red gold coast Overall, tile cleaning machines are essential tools for keeping your tile and grout surfaces looking their best. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to keep your tile floors clean and sanitized or a business owner responsible for maintaining a professional appearance at all times, these machines are sure to get the job done quickly and effectively. So if you’re in the market for an easy and efficient way to clean your tiles, be sure to check out the wide selection of high-quality tile cleaning machines available online today!

Call us or contact us for your home or commercial tile cleaning service with our latest tools.


Coffee stains, wine spills, muddy paws and footprints on your carpets and rugs are simply a part of life. Sure, there are ways you can try your best to prevent these messes in the first place, but your best bet is knowing how to get rid of them, so that you can spring into action when the worst happens. Knowing how to clean the carpet the right way is a gamechanger. While regular vacuuming removes dust and ground-in dirt and helps keep your carpet from looking dingy and matted, spots and stains are something that even the best vacuum can’t handle. 

Cleaning Supplies 

Some of the most important supplies you’ll need to clean various types of stains and debris from the carpet are a vacuum, cleaning machine, baking soda, white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, rug brush, carpet cleaner, spray bottle, and microfiber clothes. Your carpet will naturally collect dirt and dander over time, so you need to vacuum it often. Depending on how heavily it’s used, vacuuming once or twice a month will likely be enough for maintenance. 

Cleaning Pet Stains 

To remove pet stains, use a carpet cleaner containing enzymes. It not only erases the stain, but destroys odour-causing bacteria to prevent your pet from soiling the same spot over and over again. 

Cleaning Wine Stains 

This stain in particular often triggers panic, but if you’ve spilled red wine, there’s hope for your carpet yet. To clean up a red wine stain, blot up as much as you can, then sprinkle salt or baking powder (generously) on the stain, giving it a few minutes to settle before you vacuum it up. 

Cleaning Paint 

Use a paper towel to blot any remaining wet paint; then scrape the remainder out with a dull knife or razor blade. For fresh stains, try blotting away the excess paint first. If the paint has dried, you’ll need to use a cloth dampened with paint thinner and possibly a 1:1 ratio of dish soap and warm water.

Carpet Cleaning Machine 

Carpet-cleaning machines get a bad rap for being big and bulky, but these days, there are smaller machines that can really simplify carpet cleaning. If you don’t see yourself using a carpet-cleaning machine that often, you can rent one from your local home improvement store.

Hire a Professional  If you’re not up for renting or buying a machine, and if a stain is really stuck on or your carpet looks like it’s on its last legs, the answer to how to clean a carpet may be to hire a pro. Professionals use detergents and steam to really get in there, and commercial machines are beasts when it comes to getting bacteria and dirt out of any pile of rug. At Big Red Gold Coast, we specialise in deep cleaning residential spaces, so that you don’t have to.